Website Security, Fixing Broken links

Setting up an SSL certificate, fixing broken links, and establishing 301 redirects are essential components of a comprehensive website SEO strategy.

These technical elements play a crucial role in improving the user experience, increasing website security, and enhancing your search engine visibility.

SSL Certificates: The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate encrypts data transmitted between the website and the user, providing a secure connection. This is particularly important for e-commerce sites or sites that collect sensitive information such as personal and financial data. In addition, Google has indicated that having an SSL certificate can positively impact a website's search engine ranking.

Broken Links: Broken links can significantly harm a website's user experience and can also negatively impact your website's search engine ranking. By regularly checking and fixing broken links, you can ensure that visitors can access all the pages they want and maintain a positive experience.

301 Redirects: A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. These are useful when you need to redirect traffic from an old URL to a new one, especially after a redesign or a change in content. In addition to improving the user experience, 301 redirects help to preserve the link equity of your website and transfer it to the new URL. This ensures that your website continues to receive the full benefit of any external links pointing to the old URL.


The creation of redirects using the .htaccess file is an indispensable part of this SEO update. Although I am not a coder or programmer, I have learned the importance of avoiding broken links through personal experience during website transfers.

To create and edit the .htaccess file, refer to the video on the left. I use GoDaddy in the video, but you can also use your FTP server, as both methods are mostly similar. Additionally, you can edit the .htaccess file on your computer using an FTP program.

Enforcing a secure version of the website is the first step. Most people will type, which leads to However, as I have an SSL certificate installed (which you should also have), I will create the .htaccess file and add the following code to enforce the HTTPS version even when people access the HTTP version of the website:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond % 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

Redirecting broken or moved links is another aspect that can be handled with the .htaccess file. For example, if I have an about-me.html page on my website that I want to change to about.html, the about-me.html page may already be on Google or other websites, leading to a 404 error when people click on the link. To avoid this, I will add the following code to redirect the old link to the new one:

Redirect 301 "/old-link" "/new-link"

There are several other uses for the .htaccess file that you can explore online.

.Htaccess Booklet for Blocs

Unlock the hidden potential of your websites with this must-have resource packed with invaluable .htaccess snippets tailored specifically for sites created with your favorite website builder.

Course Curriculum

12 videos, 1 hour

0. Overview

7 mins

3. Headings

4 mins

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond % 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

It will force the HTTPS version even when people are going to the HTTP version of our website.

Fixing Broken Links and Setting Redirects

Another thing I like to do with .htaccess file is to redirect the broken of moved links. For example, let’s say I have an about-me.html page on my website, but I have decided to change it to about.html.

Now, about-me.html is already on Google and maybe on the pages on some other websites, so when people are clicking on this about-me link, they will be shown the 404 error page, which appears when the page is missing.

We want to avoid that as much as possible, so what we need to do is to add a line of code to our .htaccess file so when people are going to the about-me.html page, they will be automatically shown about.html page instead.

The code we need to add:

Redirect 301 "/old-link" "/new-link"

There are some other things we can do with this file. You can research online to know more about it.

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