Google Search Console

Make sure to register your websites with Google Search Console.

As previously mentioned, Google Search Console is a vital tool for optimizing your website's performance in Google searches. Given that Google is the most widely used search engine, it's essential to utilize the services provided by Google to improve your website's SEO.

By registering your website with Google Search Console, you will have access to a range of free and valuable tools that can help you analyze and optimize your website's SEO.

Verifying your website's presence in Google Search Console is crucial. There are various methods to accomplish this, such as uploading an HTML file or verifying through Google Analytics.

Google Search Console offers various features, including the ability to track keywords, determine traffic by country, and request indexing for individual pages. Additionally, you can use this tool to research your search keywords to further improve your SEO.

Course Curriculum

12 videos, 1 hour

0. Overview

7 mins

3. Headings

4 mins

The magically fast way to create websites in Blocs

Supercharge your web design workflow in Blocs 5.

blocs library-hero

What Blocs users say about Blocs Master

Read a testimonial letter from Frank.

This wonderful guy has created a series of videos (many free) which cover every aspect of Blocs in simple to understand examples. I promise he’s not paying me to write this, but I like many are indebted to him for the hours he has spent helping others.

- David

The best website to learn how to use Blocs. Eldar cares to help you if you have problems with the templates.

If you subscribe you will not regret it. It includes a large number of sample templates. 100% recommended

- Wardiam

The best place to learn virtually all there is to know about Blocs for beginners. And what better teacher than Eldar himself who spares nothing to make sure you are on the right track from step one through to intermediate.

- Sabina

What sets Eldar apart from other developers is his amazing customer service, attention to detail and his genuinely positive way of interacting with his customers.

- Lee

It is definitely worth the money if you want to learn Blocs quickly and efficiently, not to mention the many tips and tricks that Eldar has built into his lessons.

- Ive

If you are looking for an in-depth course on how to get the most out of Blocs, I highly recommend Blocs Master Course. 

- Arno